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| Store > UO Gear > UO Shields UO shields are a left hand slot item which are benefited by skills such as parry and bushido. Sheilds in Ultima Online can allow a character with or without parry to achieve a higher Defense Chance Increase percentage, and also other great mods such as resists and faster casting. Not to be overlooked when building your character, some of the most effective pvpers have been known to toggle a shield off and on to drink potions when needed but still gain the huge statistical advantage of wearing a shield. ![]() Arcane Shield
Artifact Rarity 11 Spell Channeling Night Sight Defense Chance Increase 15% Faster Casting 1 Energy Resist 1% Price: $2.99
Boura Tail Shield
ReactiveParalyze ReflectPhysicalDamage:10% PhysicalResist:8% EnergyResist:1% Price: $1.99
![]() Bulwark of Light
10% Bandage Healing Bonus Hit Point Increase 5 Mana Regeneration 4 Defense Chance Increase 20% Faster Casting 1 Lower Mana Cost 5% Swing Speed Increase 10% Damage Increase 30% Fire Resist 1% Price: $9.99
![]() Bulwark of Shadows
Spell Channeling Soul Charge 30% Hit Point Regeneration 3 Mana Regeneration 3 Faster Casting Recovery 1 Lower Mana Cost 8% Lower Reagent Cost 15% Physical Resist 1% Price: $9.99
![]() Chaos Shield
Self Repair 1 Spell Channeling Faster Cast Recovery 2 Faster Casting 1 Physical Resist 1 Strength Requirement 95 Price: $2.99
Defender of the Magus - Cold
Cold Resonance 10% Spell Channeling Defense Chance Increase 10% Faster Cast Recovery 1 Fire Resist 1% Cold Resist 10% Price: $24.99
Defender of the Magus - Energy
Energy Resonance 10% Spell Channeling Defense Chance Increase 10% Faster Cast Recovery 1 Fire Resist 1% Physical Resist 10% Price: $29.99
Defender of the Magus - Kinetic
Kinetic Resonance 10% Spell Channeling Defense Chance Increase 10% Faster Cast Recovery 1 Fire Resist 1% Physical Resist 10% Price: $69.99
Defender of the Magus - Poison
Poison Resonance 10% Spell Channeling Defense Chance Increase 10% Faster Cast Recovery 1 Fire Resist 1% Physical Resist 10% Price: $39.99
![]() Hephaestus
Parrying +10 Spell Channeling Self Repair 5 Reflect Physical Damage 15% Defense Chance Increase 15% Faster Casting 1 Lower Mana Cost 8% Physical Resist 15% Fire Resist 1% Strength Requirement 90 Durability 255 / 255 Price: $4.99
![]() Hephaestus - Gargoyle
Parrying +10 Spell Channeling Self Repair 5 Reflect Physical Damage 15% Defense Chance Increase 15% Faster Casting 1 Lower Mana Cost 8% Physical Resist 15% Fire Resist 1% Strength Requirement 90 Durability 255 / 255 Price: $4.99
![]() Light's Rampart [REPLICA]
Shield Spell Channeling Defense Chance Increase 20% Physical Resist 4% Fire Resist 5% Cold Resist 13% Poison Resist 13% Energy Resist 3% Price: $24.99
![]() Maleki's Honor
Part of a Weapon/Armor Set (2 Pieces) Physical Resist 3% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 3% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 3% Strength Requirement 45 Durability 53/53 Price: $6.99
Mystic's Guard
GargoylesOnly SoulCharge:30% SpellChanneling DCI:10% FCR:2 PhysicalResist:10% EnergyResist:1% Price: $1.99
![]() Order Shield
Spell Channeling Luck 80 Hit Chance Increase 15% Defense Chance Increase 15% Faster Casting -1 Physical Resist 1% Strength Requirement 95 Price: $2.99
![]() Paladin Shield of Air
Chivalry +10 Parrying +10 Reactive Close Wounds 30% Energy Eater 20% Stamina Increase 5 Mana Increase 5 Hit Chance Increase 15% Lower Mana Cost 5% Poison Resist 1% Energy Resist 20% Price: $2.99
![]() Paladin Shield of Earth
Chivalry +10 Parrying +10 Reactive Close Wounds 30% Kinetic Eater 20% Stamina Increase 5 Mana Increase 5 Hit Chance Increase 15% Lower Mana Cost 5% Poison Resist 1% Physical Resist 20% Price: $2.99
![]() Paladin Shield of Water
Chivalry +10 Parrying +10 Reactive Close Wounds 30% Cold Eater 20% Stamina Increase 5 Mana Increase 5 Hit Chance Increase 15% Lower Mana Cost 5% Poison Resist 1% Cold Resist 20% Price: $2.99
Pillar of Strength
Gargoyles Only Strength Bonus 10 Hit Point Increase 10 Damage Increase 20% Physical Resist 10% Poison Resist 1% Price: $2.99
![]() Sea Tempest's Bulwark
Shard Bound - Atlantic Only Weight: 8 Stones Magery +5 Evaluate Intelligence +5 Soul Charge 30% Spell Channeling Reactive Paralyze Shard Bound Defense Chance Increase 10% Cold Resist 5% Price: $4.99
Tongue of the Beast [REPLICA]
Spell Channeling Stamina Regeneration 3 Mana Regeneration 3 Physical Resist 10% Energy Resist 5% Price: $6.99
Wall of Hungry Mouths
Energy Eater 20% Poison Eater 20% Cold Eater 20% Fire Eater 20% Physical Resist 5% Fire Resist 1% Strength Requirement 90 Price: $4.99