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*FULL 10-Piece SET* The Mystical And Barbaric MAD KING SUIT
*FULL 10-Piece SET* The Mystical And Barbaric MAD KING SUIT
COMPLETED MAD KING SET, WITH ALL 10 ITEMS! This includes the spellbook, lantern, sandals AND skirt+Cloak combo.

This 10 piece set of arguably the coolest hued armor EM's have ever released in UO includes the following:

-The Mystical And Barbaric Bone Helm Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Cloak Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Bone Chest Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Bone Arms Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Bone Gloves Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Bone Leggings Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Skirt Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Sandals Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Spellbook Of The Mad King
-The Mystical And Barbaric Lantern Of The Mad King

Other full sets have sold recently for 15plat, which is well over 1k in value. Ours represents the cheapest a full mad king suit will have ever sold. And thats before counting the 10% in store credit the buyer will get (75$), AND the bonus gold every SearchUO Order gets (15mil per 50$ spent, 200+mil).

Get yourself the best looking set of armor ever released ! Let us know if you have any questions regarding the suit before purchase! You can go to this link at stratics to see more info about the suit/individual items

Price: $749.99
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Orders can be placed for *FULL 10-Piece SET* The Mystical And Barbaric MAD KING SUIT using almost any debit bank or credit card, aswell as paypal or google checkout.
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Tags: *FULL 10-Piece SET* The Mystical And Barbaric MAD KING SUIT, UO *FULL 10-Piece SET* The Mystical And Barbaric MAD KING SUIT, Ultima Online *FULL 10-Piece SET* The Mystical And Barbaric MAD KING SUIT

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